

Temple of Philae Sunset
What’s on your list of must-see sites in Egypt? We feel safe assuming the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. Islamic Cairo is hugely popular too. Nile cruises show you a scroll of scenery and the Valley of the Kings is truly iconic. However, for many visitors, it’s Ancient Egypt’s temples that take the limelight....
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Nile cruises
Are you looking for an unforgettable travel destination in 2023? For activities, sights, and experiences you can’t get anywhere else, make sure Egypt is at the top of your list. Put simply, Egypt offers the complete package for even the most discerning traveller. It doesn’t just have history, it’s an open-air museum. And the museums...
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Al-Azhar Mosque
Beyond the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx of Giza’s Necropolis, Cairo is home to Islamic Cairo and Coptic Cairo. These areas of the city are so-called for their religious history and the buildings that illustrate Cairo’s rich changing, living history. Explore the city where Christianity and Islam have co-existed for thousands of years. Located near...
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Philae Temple view
The Philae Temple is a gem in the crown of the river Nile that stands majestically on Agilkia Island, southern Egypt. This legendary site was built in 690 BC to honour Isis, the Egyptian goddess of healing and magic. As one of the last places of worship built in the classical Egyptian style, the Philae...
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Khan El Khalili Bazaar Antiques
Are you visiting Cairo for a standalone trip? Or have you earmarked Egypt’s capital as a starting point for a multi-destination tour? Whatever your intentions, Cairo is a bustling city that rewards exploration. And while the pyramids of Giza and world-class museums may take most plaudits, no itinerary is complete without a trip to Khan...
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James Bond in Egypt
There’s something truly magical about being swept away by a film, brought into a different world for a few hours of entertainment, education, or even enlightenment. Films can teach us about different cultures, countries, histories, and languages in subtle ways. That’s the magic of the movies — we’re transported to another place and feel closer...
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Bein Al Qasreen - Cairo
From the Pyramids of Giza to the River Nile, Egypt has captured the imagination of countless creatives and academics alike. In particular, Egypt continues to inspire and awe authors. Whether it’s a socio-political commentary, a forbidden love story, or a chilling murder mystery novel, Egypt has been the backdrop of some of our greatest tales....
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You’ve no doubt clicked through to this blog because you’re considering visiting Egypt and the Pyramids of Giza are probably close to the top of your list.
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Camels in the desert
While it’s great to simply jump into travel with both feet, not worrying about safety at all, the reality is that we all worry about our safety when we visit a new country. This guide is Literary Tours in Egypt’s honest attempt to allay worries and offer useful information to anyone planning a trip to...
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Woman reading a book
Egypt seems to capture writers’ imaginations more than any other country. This is, undoubtedly, due to the ancient allure of its strange and impressive structures, built in a period of unrivalled prosperity and architectural prowess. While visitors enjoy modern Egypt’s friendly people and interesting cuisine, it is Ancient Egypt’s enigmatic pantheon of gods, pyramids, and...
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